Model Building Code Organizations- Regulating Standards in the Building Industry

What are model building code organizations?

A model building code organization is a set of building codes that are developed and maintained by a standards organization. This standards organization operates independently of the jurisdiction or area in which the building code standards are being developed. Local governments or councils can choose to adopt these building codes as they see fit, in order to better oversee construction within their area. Building code organizations establish minimum safety, construction and material requirements for builders to adhere to.

High standards are the rule.

The standards organizations developing these codes consist of experts in the field and representatives of every industry affected by the building codes. They bring years of expertise and knowledge to the process and are able to establish codes and standards that are very exact and beneficial to builders and owners. Legally and technically sound, model building codes are often considered the highest level of building excellence.

Constantly updated to reflect changing technology and trade practices.

Model building codes are continuously updated to reflect the changing technology of materials and work practices. They are often so far ahead of everyone else in the building trade that professionals have to attend workshops and seminars to stay current.

Model building codes and the waterproofing industry.

In regards to the waterproofing industry, model building code organizations set the standards for materials and construction practices across the board. From cementitious underlayments to the latest in silicone based membranes, model building codes establish the best practices in application, along with mandated material quality and efficiency. If a material does not meet the high standards of the model building code, the manufacturer needs to go back to the drawing board or scrap the product and try again with something else. Make no mistake, if a model code does not approve of a manufacturers product, the product will be out of circulation shortly. The same applies to application and construction methods. If a company is untrained or incautious in their application or construction process, they will suffer the consequences.

What if a company is recognized by a model building code organization?

When a company is recommended or recognized by a model building code organization, their products and construction techniques are considered superior to anything else on the market at that time. Superior products and construction allow homeowners and building owners to get better warranties and ROI for the roofing or waterproofing aspects of building construction. Water damage in homes and buildings is the leading cause for insurance claims in the U.S., when a company is recognized by the model building codes organization an owner can rest assured that they are getting the best materials and construction available.

Leading model building code organizations across the United States.

There are thousands of model building code agencies across America and the world. Here are some of the most popular ones:


  1. AISC, the American Institute of steel construction. Headquartered in Chicago, the AISC establishes regulations and standards for building and remodeling with steel.
  2. ICC, the international code council. Headquartered in Washington DC, the ICC establishes building safety standards for structures around the country.
  3. UL, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. UL is a global and independent safety science council. Their emphasis is on product safety, environmental safety and worker health.
  4. NRCA, National Roofing Contractors Association. NRCA focuses on roofing systems and their efficacy in waterproofing, fireproofing and structural integrity.
  5. AHAM, the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. AHAM covers the manufacturers of household appliances and services for those appliances.

By adhering to strict standards, MBCO’s guarantee quality throughout all phases of construction.

Model building code organizations are the first and best line of defense against careless construction and sub-par materials. Their best purpose is to establish standards that protect home and building owners against possible catastrophic failures. When a company is recognized by a model building code organization, they have consistently provided excellent construction and materials year in and year out. To learn more please contact us.