ASU Central Plant ‐ Tempe, AZ
WRE Corp’s President, Jerry Brown, sought out the expertise of Pli-Dek Systems, Inc. and worked together in close partnership to evaluate the issues found on the ASU Central Plant in Tempe. This collaboration allowed Pli-Dek and WRE Corp to develop an extensive and detailed scope of work to correct each individual issue found on site. Core Construction and their various subcontractors, such as Progressive Roofing, used the ASU Central Plant project-specific CAD Drawings when installing the Pli-Dek HR System. This installation included various elements such as: Neoprene Flashing, Pli-Dek Drain Boards, PMA UV and GS13.
The numerous issues with the existing waterproofing at the Central Plant included: numerous leaks, excessive equipment, and walkway landings which made it impossible to bead blast or remove the existing membrane. In addition, cooling units would continually release water onto the new membrane not allowing curing time for a cold membrane.
Installation of a new membrane was further complicated by the extremely poor access caused by low ceiling heights, walkways, penetrations, and other misc. items. As well as the need for numerous trades to be accessing and working at the same time on the project.
Working on conjunction with WRE Corp’s knowledge base, we decided to do a 10’x10’ area which was demoed in order to test two of the Pli-Dek Fluid Applied Systems. First, Progressive Roofing installed Pli-Dek CR System over the existing membrane. In another section, the CR was installed directly to the concrete substrate. The second PD Fluid Applied System tested was the Pli-Dek HR installed over the existing bituthene membrane.
ASU chose to rely on the recommendations of both WRE Corp and Pli-Dek to protect the central nervous system for the ASU power grid with Pli-Dek HR. It proved to be the solution for their waterproofing, scheduling and access issues.
Pli-Dek manufactures a wide variety of waterproof deck coatings, fluid applied waterproofing membranes, along with epoxy, urethane and concrete floor coatings. As experts within the specialty coating niche for over 35 years, Architects, Contractors, Consultants and Owners depend on Pli-Dek’s commitment to providing unparalleled performance and services. If you should have any waterproofing concerns or needs in the future, please contact Pli-Dek Inc., our team looks forward to assisting you in meeting your project specific requirements.