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Waterproofing 101

Concrete Coating a Pool Deck

Waterproofing Pool Decks Preserves Your Investment

Why waterproof pool decks? It’s concrete, surely it should be able to handle a bit of water, right? That slab of concrete may seem awfully tough but it is more vulnerable than you think. Here’s why you need to waterproof your pool deck. Cracks One of the most common signs of wear and tear on a pool deck […]

Drainage system on roof deck being constructed

Understanding The Materials Used For Deck Waterproofing

Homeowners may have many questions about the materials used for deck waterproofing. Terminology the average lay person is unfamiliar with is often used that can leave a person puzzled as to what is really going on. They may have their own ideas that are important to them of how the project should be approached but lack the […]

Workers on job site repairing plywood decking

How to Prepare for a Deck Waterproofing Installation

  There’s been some exciting advances made in the last decade, when it comes to waterproofing materials for decks; owners now have a wide selection of quality finishes and applications to consider for their projects. The outside surface decks of buildings or homes, usually are constructed of wood materials. There’s good reason for this, yet […]

Good Neighbors Waterproof Their Rooftop Planter Boxes

Have you ever been seated at a sidewalk cafe and suddenly felt a tell-tale drip, drip, drip down your back? Maybe you even got a full-blown drenching. Chances are it came from someone above watering their plants. Understanding the importance of waterproofing planter boxes is the difference between being a good neighbor or not, as well as […]

Finish Texture Options for a Waterproofing System

Finish Texture Options for a Waterproofing System

  Before you make the final decisions on a waterproofing system for your floor, walkway, deck or patio, before you “seal the deal” so to speak, think about texture. Yes, that’s right, texture. Enhance flooring projects one step further than just waterproofing with texture coat systems. Options for a patterned or textured finish will add visual appeal and further […]

ASTM Testing: Evaluating Waterproofing Standards

Waterproofing Standards: Evaluating ASTM Testing

ASTM Testing’s mission is to evaluate – through waterproofing standards testing – products used to waterproof materials, surfaces and building systems. Tests even concern the “green” aspect of the chemicals comprising the coating. These tests include how best to apply a coating and with what tools. Nonetheless, it is the hydrostatic movement of water from the […]

Residential Waterproof Deck Coatings Base Coat

Deck Waterproofing: The Webster Dictionary of Common Terms

  Deck Waterproofing Terminology, like all professions, has its own terms and words to describe what waterproofing is and does. It applies to applications, tools and processes that occur to and during waterproofing. It becomes a language of its own and gaining knowledge of the terms helps to understand what waterproofing truly means. Like other languages, […]

Destruction of Metal Flashing by Water Intrusion

The building of structures creates joints between floors and walls, along supporting-beam joints and between conjoining sections of floor decking. These joints spaces are openings, and even if they are very tight, water will still seep into these narrow cracks. Construction experience shows that more than just caulking material must be used to secure these joints. The metal strip […]

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