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Category: Waterproofing 101

Workers on job site repairing plywood decking

The Recommended Job Conditions to Apply a Waterproof System

The recommended job conditions to apply a waterproof system, it’s up to you to have this knowledge. Despite their ease of application and superior waterproofing abilities, there are lots of things to consider before applying a waterproof membrane system. The more education you have on the materials used and the ideal application conditions, the better […]

Oceanside CA High Traffic area

Waterproofing High Pedestrian Traffic Areas

If you want to improve safety and increase the longevity of high traffic pedestrian surfaces, then you need to consider the advantages of applying a waterproof coating. Not only will the right product achieve these two goals, but a waterproof coating can also introduce a decorative factor that increases the value of a property. Accident […]

Residential Waterproof Deck Coatings Base Coat

Residential Deck Waterproof Coatings: System Characteristics

Taking care of your residential deck is something you’ve perhaps neglected for a few years, despite using your deck for far longer. If you haven’t invested in any maintenance since that time, you’re probably going to encounter some problems. You may need to apply residential waterproof deck coatings to repair or prevent any wood rot […]

Workers on job site repairing plywood decking

Common Errors When Installing a Waterproof System

  The most common errors when installing a waterproof system begin with the first error — choosing a contractor. The best laid plans of mice and men start with that first step that only promises to reverberate throughout the entire project and the waterproofing system’s life. Choosing a contractor can prove taxing, but it is worth the […]

Sealed Buckets of Pli-Dek GU80-1 Liquid

How To Receive, Store & Handle Waterproofing Products

  If you are an installer of waterproofing decking materials, you are in business to make money and establish a reputation for quality service. Job performance is probably at the top of your list of critical factors a quality job is dependent on. But don’t forget about the quality of the materials that you are […]

A Deck Waterproofing Project

Tips to Manage A Deck Waterproofing Project

  Managing a deck waterproofing project is just like managing any other project where chemical safety and completion time are crucial issues. Following the tips below will ensure a safe and satisfying experience, with results that save you money and improve the quality of your time at home. Before you do anything, make sure you know […]

Wood Deck Waterproofing: The Basics, The Damage, The System

Wood decks provide the perfect accent for extension of indoor to outdoor living spaces. The aesthetic appeal of a deck blends the naturalism of the outdoors with the comfort of the indoors. Yet, the luster of this landscaping must be properly maintained. One of the most important aspects of deck maintenance is waterproofing. With that […]

Inspection Before Waterproof System Is Installed

Obtaining an inspection before waterproof system is installed is an absolute must for many reasons. So many actual incidents, some very tragic, have occurred over the years to suggest that with a little foresight the ensuing damage might not have transpired. Though most people think of wood or even concrete when it comes to waterproofing, in reality […]

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